Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd
To all here truly interested, there is a whole new, burgeoning science growing since the late sixties. It’s consists of an apologetic of a young earth, refuting many of the claims of traditional science. These young-earth scientists (many) are all reputable PhD’s from top universities from around the western world.

For some specific answers regarding the flood, Noah, and the ark’s inhabitants, a now recognized definitive and very interesting work on the subject is THE GENESIS FLOOD by Henry Morris PhD (a hydraulic engineer) and John Whitcolm PhD (theologian). This was published back in 1959 and is now considered the cornerstone of this movement.

It’s long, technical, and presents answers, to be sure, speculative, but based on science and probabilities. I highly recommend it.

Edit to add: God in the scriptures gives us but a very broad overview — what is necessary for us to know — but with many unanswered questions that inquiring minds would like to know the answers to. Or at least to entertain them.

First Henry Morris only had a Masters degree, he was not a PHD. In 1963 he formed the Creation Research Society. Here's their statement of beliefs:

All members must subscribe to the following statement of belief:

1. The Bible is the written Word of God, and because it is inspired throughout, all its assertions are historically and scientifically true in the original autographs. To the student of nature this means that the account of origins in Genesis is a factual presentation of simple historical truths.

2. All basic types of living things, including man, were made by direct creative acts of God during the Creation Week described in Genesis. Whatever biological changes have occurred since Creation Week have accomplished only changes within the original created kinds.

3. The great flood described in Genesis, commonly referred to as the Noachian Flood, was an historic event worldwide in its extent and effect.

4. We are an organization of Christian men and women of science who accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. The account of the special creation of Adam and Eve as one man and one woman and their subsequent fall into sin is the basis for our belief in the necessity of a Savior for all mankind. Therefore, salvation can come only through accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior.

In other words, they admit to starting with the conclusion, then trying to justify it.

How many peer review journal articles supporting his statement of beliefs was he able to publish in reputable journals?

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell