Originally Posted by Gus
there might have been competing colonies of humans placed down here on the earth, from different extraterrestrial colonization attempts. cross-breeding was probably an option, given that everyone came from the same universe, universal creator.

we know that the original orders issued to the hebraic military/priesthood was to kill the heathens, and wipe out their dna.

sounds like competing factions for the control of the land area of the earth, doesn't it?

once again we're into ideology. and we know that ideology lies between the two ears of humans.

So, Adam and Eve's kids marries kids from the separate creations of other space aliens we call gods, then the Christian space alien god ordered his followers to wipe out the families they married into from the other space alien gods? Is that your hypothesis?

What evidence for your space alien god hypothesis do you have that's better supported the the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection?

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell