Originally Posted by SuperCub
Originally Posted by Steve
Where'd the get that much gopher wood?

That should have been spelled "go-for" wood. smile

i don't wish to afend jaguarman with my questions.

but at some 4500? years ago, the wood supply question is legitimate.

that is, it was bronze age, maybe iron age peoples. the knives, splitters were basic or rudimentary.

building a water tight ship/boat that could withstand a flood for what 40 days, and maybe float for a year?

they might have used saplings, bound together with pitch, tar or something? maybe animal skin?

on the other hand, it had to be bouyant enought to float itself, 8 people and all the animals.

some people have speculated there was a crew member always moving, causing half the animals & birds to jump up, thus reducing the total boat weight by half.

i'll wait on jaguar man to quote chapter & verse.