Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd

Let me pull one example that I scanned here that shows poor understanding and presuppositions upon which you declare God an unjust tyrant. I refer to your referring to Eve as a 14 yo girl and the “illegal” Apple as a “marshmallow” which upon her (and Adam) eating of it caused the Fall of mankind and the incomprehensible unjustness of it all.

First of all any, reference to Eve must depend upon Biblical exposition; that is, Adam and her were created on the 6th day. As the only two people in the then-world and with immediate responsibilities, we can safely presume God created them as adults, perfect adults. For instance, as a 25 yo adult she might have been only five minutes old.

Secondly, the Fall was cataclysmically catastrophic spiritually, physically, and to the environment. Some animals became meat-eaters and the ground now grew thistles and thorns. Adam and Eve, who were created to live forever, might have had “IQ’s” of five hundred and they knew God and walked with Him. In all of this, as perfect, brilliant (?), free moral agents, they were given one one law, one caveat, one restriction. And they failed.

Thus your unjustness of a righteous and perfect God, the creator of everything, fades into reasonable even with limited human

Apologies if I misread your comment.

George, I compared eve to a 4 year old, not a 14 year old. The typical 14 year old girl already has basic understanding of right and wrong, good and evil. From what tree did she eat; the tree of knowledge of good and evil. So regardless of any assertion you make regarding their computational IQ, they still did not posses the knowledge of good in evil, or know right from wrong, so your assertion they were brilliant and perfect but where not morally developed as today's average 14 year old is a non-starter.

As for the morality of the question, we can begin with our own Constitution and the 8th Amendment:
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.In addition, we have no history of imprisoning the son for the crimes of the father. Each is held accountable for their own crimes after where the state hold the burden of proof against each specific individual.

Besides, that's presuming any of it is true in the literal sense, you still haven't met the scientific objections to your position above.

They were created perfect and as free moral agents though they had not the experience of evil or sin they had the knowledge of a command to not eat of the fruit of that tree by a God they knew personally.

AS, as to morality and the constitution, it is irrelevant to the question here regarding Adam and Eve.

Of course it's relevant.
Is it moral to punish someone for an action when they did not know it was wrong?
Is it moral to punish someone for an act they did not committed, but committed by a distant ancestor?

As for use of documents such as our Constitution, of course it's relevant when demonstrating you perfectly moral God fails to meet even the most basic standards of what we consider moral.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell