Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd

Let me pull one example that I scanned here that shows poor understanding and presuppositions upon which you declare God an unjust tyrant. I refer to your referring to Eve as a 14 yo girl and the “illegal” Apple as a “marshmallow” which upon her (and Adam) eating of it caused the Fall of mankind and the incomprehensible unjustness of it all.

First of all any, reference to Eve must depend upon Biblical exposition; that is, Adam and her were created on the 6th day. As the only two people in the then-world and with immediate responsibilities, we can safely presume God created them as adults, perfect adults. For instance, as a 25 yo adult she might have been only five minutes old.

Secondly, the Fall was cataclysmically catastrophic spiritually, physically, and to the environment. Some animals became meat-eaters and the ground now grew thistles and thorns. Adam and Eve, who were created to live forever, might have had “IQ’s” of five hundred and they knew God and walked with Him. In all of this, as perfect, brilliant (?), free moral agents, they were given one one law, one caveat, one restriction. And they failed.

Thus your unjustness of a righteous and perfect God, the creator of everything, fades into reasonable even with limited human understanding.

Apologies if I misread your comment.

This can open a can of worms...........serpents you might say. grin

What would you the "caveat" was? I'm curious what you think.
I believe that whatever it is, you are condemned by it unless you change your thinking.