Originally Posted by RickyD
Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by dan_oz
What of the plants? How did they survive months of inundation? And if they all died, but regenerated from seeds after the water receded, how did Noah's boatload of animals get by in the time it would take for that to happen? What, for example, of those animals which depend on tree fruits and tree nuts, products of trees at least several years old?

How did bees survive, in the absence of flowering plants?

And how does this story account for those living plants which have been alive since before the date ascribed to this Great Flood? Or those clonal colonies which have been alive since before the Flood without setting seeds?

Reasonable questions I would think.

Certainly. But since we know that God makes all things work together for our good, to those who love Him and who are called for His Purpose, it's certainly not a stretch at all to understand that He took care of all things that needed taken care of. Also, certainly not a stretch for the One who spoke all things into existence.

Yes, that is certainly true and could be summed up in one word, logic. But also in truth, that verse is taken out of context and doesn't apply here. But, it is a great section in Romans letting us know that we were saved before the foundation of the Earth. So there is not a church on the Earth that can give me anything I don't all ready have. I know I am Spirit and that my Spirit is above the Angels in the ladder of hierarchy, so therefore, I am a Son of God.

Now back to the program. Is there not a logical explanation for this Flood business, or do we explain it away through emotion. The Hopi's like to talk about it and they sure seem more reasonable in their explanation than most churches do. And as Antelope Sniper posted, the Sumerians were the first ones on the planet to write about it.