Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by FreeMe

....I think it's safe to assume that Noah had knowledge of proper boat construction....

... I'm going to assume that people of Noah's time weren't as ignorant as most people think...

Nothing I can find in scriptures shows Noah personally had proper knowledge of boat construction. [regardless of shape, size or otherwise]
or to use your words.... That is simply not supported by the information available.

but if you have scriptural evidence to support what you call a safe assumption, you make like to present it to CF readers.
without reasonable evidence , it would just be mere conjecture on your part.

Originally Posted by FreeMe

Obviously, a vessel that size would require different timber than a small vessel could get away with...

Can you clarify what you mean by 'different ' timber.?

and what relative size do you mean by a small vessel?

Originally Posted by FreeMe

...we don't know precisely what God told Noah. We can only make conjecture based on what is written and our assumptions.

actually We do know from scripture that God had given Noah some very specific details for the Ark.

OALxWxH dimensions...rooms, ...a roof...where to position the window,...number of decks ..side door, .gopherwood, tar inside /out. etc

nothing in scripture says God gave him any other details on construction than the Book lists.
accordingly I am not inclined to create conjecture that we are missing out on details that God gave Noah on construction , but didnt give us.


1) Scripture says nothing explanatory about the dynamics of moving water against displacement vessels. It says nothing about superior strength of curved surfaces vs box corners. It says nothing about the physical dangers (injury, starvation, etc) of spending months trapped inside a carnival ride. Yet....they exist. Limiting the discussion to what is in scripture is an attempt to control the discussion and shape it's outcome. Nice try.

2) Small vessel = personal or family-sized watercraft, such as what might be used to travel small bodies of water. There is no mention of commercial navigation prior to the flood - so, by your standard, it must not have happened. Now, why would they have anything larger?

As for the timber.....surely, you jest. Different = larger, stronger, taller (longer), denser...and/or other. I can build a usable boat with no other wood but pine saplings. It ain't going to be very big though, and it ain't going to haul much of a load.

3)Why you would think that God has told us everything that he told Noah is a mystery to me. He has told us what we need to know, at least, but clearly has not told us everything. And BTW - there you go again....

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.