As many of you know, there was a recent revelation of an 'incident' involving extreme scumbaggery on the part of a member that took place on this forum in 2013-2014. Sadly, many solid, generous members were fleeced by this scoundrel, who shall remain unnamed. As a result of a bright light finally being shined on that despicable scam, a couple of folks (Rooster and Rem 141, I believe) suggested a game be started involving the now useless, sawed-off end of what was once a serviceable, trusty 12 GA Winchester pump gun barrel.

The game would be simple: pictures of Stubbs would be taken by members in current possession of him (yes, it's a 'he') and posted to the thread. From there, Stubbs would be sent off to another member. Dealer's choice is best on this, I figure, and the next player should be chosen from members who've expressed interest in being part of the game. The process will repeat until ultimately, after members hopefully will have logged images of Stubbs in all 50 of our glorious states at least once (multiple posts from states with multiple members are fine), Stubbs would boomerang back to his rightful owner (that'd be me). A permanent memorial of some sort might be in the cards, if Stubbs actually makes it back here. Goalie would likely be commissioned for this small project, if he is willing.

I thought it a grand idea, and on another related thread we had a couple dozen members post that they'd be willing to represent themselves in their home states--or other states they were visiting, if practical-- and tote Stubbs along with them in search of fun and comic relief, as well as represent a fitting F-U to all crooks and unworthies out there. And so it shall be!

Stubbs will be heading off to the next member tomorrow, and soon, that unnamed member will share his shots while hosting the sainted Stubbs baton before also passing it on to the next fella of his choice. In the parcel there is a sign-in sheet, of sorts. Those of you sharing in the fun are asked to enter their info under the state(s) and locations they played with Stubbs in, then passing it on with Stubbs when it goes out to the next location.

Let's get this thing started. I've knocked out three states, All shots were taken in the last ten days.




Salisbury, MA

Bugs 'n' Dugs at Salisbury beach.

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Haverhill, MA

Onions rolling on Stubbs in her bed @ home. I wrapped Stubbs in a bandana and tried to get her to hold it in her mouth and sit for me, but she wanted to roll around on it instead. Oh, well.

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Lobster wars!

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Boston, MA

Granary Burying Ground

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Sushi time @ the Salt Mine

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