OK, I read what you linked and it sounds like wabi had claimed gopher gunner as a friend or acquaintance, is that right? I can see where that ruffles feathers on this thread.

I read where Kamo gari acknowledged wabi as a good guy, that's encouraging and I think he's right. But does kamo claim to have omniscience over all things GG, or wabi? Does he know their relationship? Does he know the fluidity and totality of every situation, of every members lives? If wabi claims gopher gunner as a friend, I'd say none of my business I guess, but it sure doesn't mean wabi isn't exactly what he seems to be on here, which is a generally very nice man who goes out of his way to encourage others and be optimistic, spreading cheer when he can. Gophergunner relationship aside, I say he's still exactly who he is.

I also trust that wabi will struggle in his own way and in his own time with a friendship with anyone who is genuinely a thief, so if gg falls in that category, wabi will work it out. No need to beat up a good guy, he'll do the introspection himself and sort it out w/o anyone needing to hit him over the head with it.

I do understand kamo being ruffled up, but I guess my approach would (hopefully) just be a little different, given wabi's history here. If you had a guy like me that has a checkered history, sure, maybe write that guy off, it's easy enough to do, but that doesn't seem like wabi. Of course, it's the internet, how well could we know anyone, maybe wabi is a closet axe murderer or child molester. Who could know for sure?

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack