Stubbs is such a little genitalman wink , he insisted on helping with chores at sunup. I was willing to let the little fella sleep in, after the cross country trip, jet lag, and all that you know. But he was up bright and early. Didn't even need coffee to get started. Dude is tough, low of 17F this morning with a 90% humidity level from yesterday's wet snow. Brrrr. I asked, but he didn't even want a coat.

Feed and water for the girls in the Gulag:

[Linked Image from]

And he went with to feed the emergency winged food supply (quail, Eurasian doves, jay, even the juncos if need be.) TEOTWAWKI you know, could be right around the corner when all the vaccinated folks start zombifying.

[Linked Image from]

Please note, Stubbs has asked that when he's vertical he'd like his "bead" to be on top, as he considers that his head and he believes his profile shows better in pics that way.

The little guy even wanted in on the homemade sourdough bread deal this morning. AFTER it came out of the oven of course.

[Linked Image from]

Who knows what the future holds for the magnificent Mr Stubbs. A trip up into those hills behind the 7Acre RANCH! this afternoon or tomorrow? A trip to the refuge to see some cranes, geese, and swans and stuff? Or maybe I get him out back and split some wood with him. Too cold for gardening.

Decisions, decisions. It's always a problem with visitors at this time of year. At least we're not snowed in.

The desert is a true treasure for him who seeks refuge from men and the evil of men.
In it is contentment
In it is death and all you seek
(Quoted from "The Bleeding of the Stone" Ibrahim Al-Koni)

member of the cabal of dysfunctional squirrels?