Got ourselves showered and started to fry up some burgers. No outdoor grill or griddle at the property, yet...But, got a BlackStone Griddle en route that should deliver Wednesday.

Cooking inside, in the heat, was awful.

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Stubby after dinner looking over tomorrow’s work load.

Wifey and Danner Boot the dog kicked up a sleeping fawn in the tall grass while she was mowing the next morning.

Wife started in at me with huge crocodile tears, crying, because she didn’t realize the doe that was standing in the pasture refusing to be run off by Danner Dog was trying to protect her fawn. Danner stuck his snoot up the fawns butt and got it moving to it’s ma. All animals lived that day.

Me on the other side of the property got a nice showing by a couple of bucks in velvet...Beaver Damn Ranch has deer !

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We all drank heavily that day and night due to the heat wave and also because that’s what we do on the property while working. The next morning at 1:30 AM wifey and I suffered a setback of sorts because of Danner Boot refusing to go outside in the heat to handle his business....See this thread if you’re so inclined.

Back to our morning....Stubby appeared to be in fine shape after last night...I’m wrecked from booze and dog shît, so not in a super-duper mood, but I’m getting by.

Stubby is in the refrigerator asking if we have any apples ? Wifey, I yell, we got any apples?? No, comes her reply.

Next thing I see is Stubbs has a lemon stuck on his head and looking at me with a daredevil look in his eyes. I’m like dude, what’s up with the lemon wedge, head thing ?

You ever heard of William Tell, Stubby asks me ?.....Yeah, I’ve heard of him...You want me to shoot that lemon off your head?

I’m so in right frame of mind to do this...I figure, I either make a proper shot and we’re all good, or I turn Stubs into a canoe and Sock Puppet can deal with his massive head wound when he gets him next...Win-win for me...Plus my head is still throbbing from lack of sleep and too many diet 7up’s. Laffin

The Daredevil

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The Shoot’n Iron

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The Results

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Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”