I can kind of see recommending Kenetreck, I am wearing a pair at the moment.

I would give my $0.02 cents worth there, but Kenetreck don't fit every pair of feet..
No more then an off the shelf 870 Remington will fit all shotgun shooters.

A moot point for me really, it's my bet that maybe less then 20% of all Hunters I ever guided could reload and shoot well.

Not sure Berger is the answer for every rifle either?
Twist-rate and how they fit the box are just a couple concerns.

Their out there, I even heard of Guides saying how they wouldn't waste their time guiding for someone shooting expandable broadheads.

Most guide clients look like they just got back from Cabelas, can't get up in the morning, can't get up a hill, and can't shoot if their life dependent on it..
But if he came with his buddy that ask "got any duck-tape" the night before the season,�I'd bet on him!

It is a good idea that everyone shoot their rifle, again right before the hunt. Especially coming by air.
It is a laugh a minute sometimes! Trust me, Berger can't fix most problems!

Most guide clients don't spend time here or other places learning what we can, sharing thoughts, weighing options and perfecting the science!

Asking what they shoot best would be a good lead-in question to size up a client.

Clinging to my God, and my guns!