Originally Posted by Paddler
I don't post here often because arguing with loonies isn't productive. It looks like my last posts here back in 2011 were about Palin. I guess I saved my best stuff for duckhunter.net, wherein I spoke out against Romney. I actually got banned from that site for posting political stuff on their "Political Action" page. Some chicksh*t mod from South Carolina could handle the truth. Pretty funny. If you want to read my predictions, you can do a search, you'll find I was correct. You'll note that responses to my posts were very similar to the drivel here.

I actually posted my thoughts on gun control here to get them on the record. I came up with the idea after Newtown. Remember where you heard this plan, it will help reduce senseless killings without impacting guns used for target shooting, hunting or home defense. Great stuff!

Except gun control doesn't work...Chicago and NYC are prime examples of that

It's also obvious that you have absolutely no experience dealing with traumatic events.

Your theory that someone with a revolver would not be able to harm as many people because they would have to reload more often is horseshicdt a person with with a single shot shotgun and a back pack full of birdshot would do just as much damage as someone with a Semi-auto rifle.

You want a real end to these trajedies, you start locking known nut jobs uo, permanently. You start holding these instulitutions criminally and civilly liable.

These institutions make policies that take sn individuals God given right to self defense away from them, yet they refuse toto assume responsibility to provide that defense.

That young vet that bum rushed the shooter, just think what he could have accomplished had he been armed.

Or maybe we should remember the shopping mall shooter from a couple years ago, you remember him don't you?...the one who turned his gun on himself when re realized there was a CCWer who had the drop on him

Or the numerous school shooters who were stopped by armed off ers working armed the school

As a former cop. I ALWAYS felt safer knowing there were armed citizens in my AO

Last edited by gitem_12; 10/02/15.

The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude

Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell