This idea that the majority can force their views on the minority is bogus and dangerous. I don't GAF what someone else supports or doesn't support. America is supposed to be free, a constitutional republic. I can't believe people put up with the fraud and the robbery and the tyranny that has become government at every level.

Paddler: you are free to believe what you will and support what you will. Don't force me to agree or pay for it. There is no such thing as lawful "common sense gun control". Those powers are prohibited the government according to the highest law of the land. If you like abortions, feel free to have and pay for as many as you like. What part of this stuff are you not understanding?

What part of how this nation is supposed to work are all of you not understanding? Democrats are not allowed to force their agenda upon Republicans, and force them to pay for it, and vice versa. The reason things keep getting worse in the US is that each side in this system feels justified in tyrannizing the other side, using the force of government to do so. The only winners are those of either party who are in power.

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.