Originally Posted by Paddler
Lots of intolerance here, lots of profanity, but not a single original thought or shred of a sense of humor. Sorry to ruffle your feathers. Well, wait, that's not true. I came here just to see the response to the UCC shootings. It was entirely predictable and completely wrong.

You should trust a doctors judgement, even outside his field of expertise if he has knowledge and experience on the topic. Especially when his views reflect reality. I understand that letting go of your fear, even paranoia, is difficult for the 'fire regulars. Living in the right wing bubble doesn't work. When the real world passes you by, it leads to feelings of disenfranchisement, such feelings cause the behavior I'm seeing here. It doesn't have to be this way. The first step is disavowing your delusions, get some accurate information. Listen to NPR rather than Rush. I'll work on a 12 step program for y'all.

There are true MDs and then there are the 'other' MDs who choose to be shills advocating extreme liberal causes, regardless how dishonest and unrealistic they are, as long as it benefits them materially.

For example most here feel our own DocRocket is quite trustworthy and as such respect his judgment and professional opinions.

Originally Posted by DocRocket

Dudes, there is no point in bringing up logic or reasonable argument about this issue.

Obama is a koolaid-drinking "progressive" ( = communist). He doesn't respond to logic, reason, or evidence. All he has or needs is faith in the "progressive" platform (a.k.a. manifesto), which holds such things as abortion-on-demand, unlimited entitlements for people who pay nothing to society's costs, eradication of the Church and the nuclear family, and of course, confiscation of all arms from the populace to be articles of faith which are not to be questioned.

It doesn't matter to him or to other "progressives" that research by ALL credible sources, including Harvard University and the CDC (which are themselves strongly "progressive" strongholds), demonstrate that gun control legislation does NOTHING to reduce crime. Evidence is irrelevant. Faith in the "progressive" platform is all that matters.