Wow, I�ve been gone for a bit, and a lots been going on. Thanks for all the posts, I�m much obliged for all you guys are doing. I�ll try and answer the various questions that have come up here.

Regarding the important question of bona fides. It�s true that I am new to the Fire, and I�m grateful for the warm welcome I�ve received, even setting aside your generosity to James. I also recognize that it�s only prudent for you all to be cautious and make sure that your generosity isn�t going to line my pockets (or gun safe). I am a little hesitant to put up too much personal data about James� family in such a public forum (I imagine everyone understands, but especially the parents among you). What I thought might make sense is for those who have said they are giving something or are thinking about doing so to PM me�I�ve already been in touch with AlaskanMatt some�and I can tell more about who I am as well as plenty of details about James and his family, and maybe some pics, and answer any questions. Or alternately I can just explain everything to AlaskanMatt, who already knows some more about James & co (and who is making the largest gift), and refer you to him. I hope that seems reasonable to you all, but please let me know if there is something else that you think would be appropriate. If the people who are giving are satisfied that I�m legit (or more to the point, that James is!), maybe they can post something on the thread to that effect.

nsaqam-James� family doesn�t do any reloading, unfortunately.

JGRaider-The Simmons scope you mention is of course a wonderful addition. I will PM you some more details and answer any questions you have.

I will talk to James & his parents and try and come up with a list of the things that would be useful for him.

Again, thanks for everything!

"And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us." Jn 1:14

"The expense is reckoned, the enterprise is begun; it is of God; it cannot be withstood. So the faith was planted: So it must be restored." -St. Edmund Campion (+1581)