Thanks JG and nsaqam. And thanks for the offer, Bullet. MallardAddict, the list idea is a good one. Just off the top of my head, here goes:

James' first deer hunting trip equipment list:

Rifle-accounted for by AlaskanMatt(model & caliber TBD)
Scope- accounted for by JG Raider (Simmons Whitetail)
Bases-offers on the table, but TBD, based on rifle
Scope lens caps/scope cover-
Rifle case- Bulletbutt? (Maybe PM me if you are still up for it)
A box or two of ammo (TBD, based on above)
Hunting knife-accounted for by Toad (Ingram)
Blaze orange hunting hat and/or vest-
Grunt tube/rattling antlers? (if you�re a proponent of one, here�s a chance to make a convert, lol!)

Anything else I�m forgetting? Odds and/or ends that you have that you think might help?

"And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us." Jn 1:14

"The expense is reckoned, the enterprise is begun; it is of God; it cannot be withstood. So the faith was planted: So it must be restored." -St. Edmund Campion (+1581)