I'd say that, by in large, in so many small ways and so many big ways, the Nazi's were absolutely on the wrong tack.

Hindsight is 20-20, but there is so much there that could have gone right for that country after WWI and the Nazi's made it go bad.

At the top of the list is the National Socialist way of running an economy. Yes, it worked well enough to get them in the thick of WWII. However, the idea that all large factory orders had to be run through a hierarchy of central oversight boards made it highly inefficient. Up against a modern capitalist economy, like the US, it was doomed.

The biggest blunder of WWII was the planning and execution of Barbarossa. Hitler asked for a plan for the invasion of Russia. The generals gave it to Hitler. Hitler said he thought the logistics were overblown and sent it back. The generals went ahead and knocked everything down by 2/3. Hitler gave his approval. The plan went ahead and sputtered and fell apart at the gates of Moscow and Stanlingrad. Why? Because Germany went into Russia with only 1/3 of what was needed.

The other big blunder was spending so much valuable resources on extermination. Nevermind the fact that Germany lost so many of its great minds, and also gassed countless doctors, lawyers, businessmen, and engineers needlessly. When Germany should have been trying to defend itself in 44 and 45, it spent its treasure gassing Jews.

I could run down a list all day. About the only thing they really got right were the cool uniforms-- second only to the Italians. Of course, look at the Italians and you'll see what an emphasis on fashion will get you.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer