Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by Valsdad
Originally Posted by SuperCub
The one policy that I agree with the Nazis was their's concerning multiculturalism.

How they set out to achieve that goal is where I divert from them.

Without multiculturalism we wouldn't have a Thai restaurant in our little city of 2800 people. Or three Mexican restaurants, a Pizza joint, a Chinese restaurant, and a liquor store owned by South Asians.

We'd be stuck with burgers and fries.

God Bless America!


Or be $22 trillion in debt. We could have white families who paid their kids dr and hospital bill and not have it all charged to Medicaid for Mexican families of 8 who live in nice, expensive homes with no visible means of support while mom drives a shiny new F250 and the state pays granny to babysit the kids too young for school.

We could go in a grocery store and find a white person somewhere in there working or shopping like we used to do 50 years ago.

And we would never have elected a Kenyan as POTUS.

High price to pay for freaking tacos, I'd say.

Ignorance is a funny thing when you see it.

Maybe you should do some research on the demographics of this countries social programs.

Might shut that ridiculous trap of yours up... but probably wouldnt... pride runs too deep in the mentally deficient individuals.