Originally Posted by Daveinjax
The Nazis were just run of the mill socialist with all that entails. Expansion until collapse , slave labor and mass murder. It was no different in the USSR , today in China , Pol Pot’s Cambodia. It’s all the same no matter where it takes root. Socialism is slowly taking over Europe with Germany in the lead again with its dominance of the EU. They haven’t gotten enough control yet to go bananas but they’re building an EU army so no more countries can escape like the UK is doing. Soon enough they will build slave labor camps for “right wing extremists” and a means of disposing of the bodies. Guess they won’t burn them due to the carbon footprint but maybe feed the dead to the slaves.

You don't actually believe that Germans run Germany, do you? If Germans ran Germany, do you suppose they'd have been flooded with millions of "refugees" from the Third World?