Was this thread started to distract from Kobe news?

In any case, lots of boomer education on display.

Yes the Nazis were on the right track. They’d nationalized their central bank, effectively outlawed usury, denied the franchise to ethnic Jews, and built a strong central government that discouraged several forms of degeneracy.

1939 Germany had the most powerful economy and military in the history of Europe. GDP had doubled in 6 years. Unemployment had gone from over 30% to nearly 0%. The standard of living enjoyed by Germans was the highest in the world at the time.

In expelling Jews, the Nazis were doing what roughly 100 countries had done before them. There is a pattern there, obviously, which does not revolve around the NSDAP.

The Nazis made a number of blunders during WWII. That doesn’t erode the economic and social improvements that accrued to the German people while they were in power.