Originally Posted by readonly
Originally Posted by local_dirt
Roman J. Israel, Esq.

Only really one identifiable SJW moment. If you like Denzel Washington, you'll like the movie.

I appreciate the heads up on this. I watched it and liked it, felt like it fizzled in the end. Could have been great but they went the wrong way with it IMO. As a lawyer that works for himself, and formerly a "lincoln lawyer" for 2.5 years....I like movies and shows that grapple with the plight of the solo lawyer.

I agree. Did so much character development on Roman Israel. Then felt like they rushed it at the end because they were running out of time on the 2-hour movie clock.

Thought Colin Farrell did a good job in his role as the slick corporate attorney, yet entrepreneur.

Overall, goid movie.

Watching a series called Snowfall now. Pretty good. Story told from 3 sides.

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member