I'll recommend this with a caveat since it's probably not everybody's cup of tea.

Blue Eye Samurai on Netflix.

Set in 1600's feudal Japan where they've closed the country to all outsiders and outlawed all foreigners, it's about a half Japanese half Caucasian girl who is considered a monster due to her blue eyes. Her life is devoted to seeking revenge on one of four men in the country who might be her father.

It's animated beautifully but it's not a kids show - lots of graphic nudity, sex, and more blood and gore than a whole season of the Walking Dead. A lot of it is pretty dark, as in darkness of the human soul.

This could have been a trite invincible girl boss series but there are no one dimensional people here, everyone has an interesting story arc. One thing I didn't like was the plot armor in the last few episodes, earlier in the series she gets the crap beat and stabbed out of her and it takes days or weeks to recover, later on she shakes off crippling wounds in a few minutes, but that's about all I can think of to criticize it.

I like good stories well told and this was one of them.

Skip straight to 0:45 to get past some unimportant fluff.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!