Jupiter's Legacy on Netflix is okay if you like super hero type stuff. Six people acquire various powers in the late 20's - early 30's and now have to train their offspring in the super hero game to take over. Decent production values and CGI and since it deals with aging it might find some sympathy with the 24hcf demographic.

This one is a bit of a twist since it discusses some opposing viewpoints on right and wrong, old school clear cut "do the right thing and never, ever, never under any circumstances kill the bad guy or use their powers to influence governments" vs. their whiny children's "the world has changed, the bad guys kill us so why can't we kill them and use our powers to influence governments?" - meaning it should be okay to kill Nazis and everyone we don't like is a Nazi.

It got a very low score on Rotten Tomatoes and my guess is that it's because it wasn't nearly woke enough. They dare to show that maybe some of the old school values had merit so the woke reviewers hated it. Anyway, they give both viewpoints some discussion so everyone on both sides might find something to hate. Or like.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!