Originally Posted by Hastings
We "Christians" celebrate other holidays with pagan origin. What' wrong with one more? Sol Invictus became Christmas, the pagan fertility festival was co-opted for Easter. What's the harm? And if it is harmful maybe Christmas and Easter need to go.
Originally Posted by RockyRaab
If they truly believed, Christians would never celebrate anything. They'd live their entire lives in masochistic self-denial, sacrifice, and suffering to be worthy of the infinite rewards they expect when they're dead. Enjoying anything repudiates their faith.
Jesus himself addressed this when he pointed out that John was criticized for living a life of self denial and he Jesus was criticized for drinking and eating. I think Jesus was very social, not self denying, and enjoyed eating and drinking.
Jesus did not celebrate darkness and death. He celebrated light and life.Jesus was certainly not social with the pharisees and sadducees. He made them hate him by telling the Truth. I don't believe you know the Truth. You prove it every time I read a post of yours about faith and the Bible.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.