Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
I don't argue with that. "I" changed to "J".
Languages evolve, but the Savior didn't.
No worries.

I noticed that there are more English speakers who insist that one of the Hebrew names should replace our English. Some go so far as to demand that Christ be rejected. I don't know what k22 believes, so not making any accusations.
I'm running into a growing religion that is misleading people to change everything in our English translation into Hebrew.
I'm not claiming that k22 believes this, but I've known a handful who have been swept up with the pseudo-spiritual Hebrew roots movement. It goes by other names too. The Name our Savior was given has various spellings based on language differences. The New Testament is a Greek Book and not Hebrew as some are claiming these days. Hopefully, the present company hasn't been led astray by fundamentally false doctrine.

Here's more info on it.


I don't know what k22 believes

Not to sound sarcastic, but then again......... whistle the statement you made about me is the first real truth I've seen you post. The rest of your post, well, it appears to me that truth and knowledge escapes you. In my opinion you have swallowed the church doctrine, i.e. propaganda, hook line and sinker. But hey, it doesn't effect me other than I hate to see it keep getting spread, especially when it is forced upon the World.
Hebrew roots? I am a Hebrew so what the f&^%k are you condemning me for. In fact, where do you get that right or authority to do so.
Truth is truth. Changing a Greek name in to fit your English version is one of the most misleading forms of propaganda going. When you do that it changes why that person or entity was placed in the text, forever hiding the true story and the truth of who that person was. ALL NAMES have a meaning or a reason a name was used whether you like it or not or whether it fits your story narrative or not. Jesus was not his name, never was nor never will be, just like James in the book of James was not his name. That is one of the biggest problems with your Bible teachings. That book has been written and rewritten more times than any other book on the planet. And each time it gets changed just a little bit, but I'll tell you what can't ever be changed and that is the story that the Stars wrote/write of which the Bible was originally taken from. Go ahead and change the Stars and Planets. I'll wait while you do.
Here is truth if you can hear it. The Bible was written from the Stars and the Stars along with the planets tell the true story. They were given as a SIGN. Religion bastardized that story starting somewhere back in the "dark ages" and it is still going on. And since we are getting close to the season which the Stars declare, I find it so interesting that this Birth of Christ was not known by ONE SINGLE PERSON AT THAT TIME UNTIL THE 3 ASTROLOGERS CAME ALONG AND MADE THE ANNOUNCEMENT. The church propaganda writers changed the meaning of who those 3 were by calling them Magi or Wise Men, but what is funny is when you do the word search on Magi it will lead you to Astrologer, so yes, they were Wise Men. How did these 3 know? It is written in the Stars. I'll bet you can't read the Stars can you. Who else was an Astrologer in scriptures? In fact he was known as the greatest Astrologer. Daniel. Look it up. But to be truthful and above board, those figures back in that time could all read the Stars. Joseph, Abraham, Moses, David, ect. ect. ect.

I keep asking myself why I even care what you or this thread says. Normally I don't participate much in these, but for some reason I am. I may need to ask myself why.