I’ve noticed a pattern of this OP posting stuff I am not a fan of so the vast majority of the time I don’t even look.

When I do I find it interesting what I see.

Invariably you have HC doing his thing, and then there is a group of individuals saying that everyone is free to think whatever they want about religion, and that HC’s willingness to condemn people for their opinions means he is going to hell… or that there is a hot spot there for him… or something like that.

Let the circularity of that sink in please.

Its telling that people in a place that is predominantly Conservative/libertarian get caught up in this. We’re the ones who are supposed to stand for reasoned, civil debate at best, or at worst tolerance?

My parents repeated a mantra to me as a kid, “I may not agree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Doesn’t seem to be the ideal anymore, especially for those who most doggedly claim open mindedness as a first principle.