Originally Posted by IZH27
The bottom line is that GOD, not you, defines this because ONLY God knows what is in the heart of a man.

YOU Are NOT God though you do read as having a God
Complex. YOU don’t know the first thing about the hearts of the people that you condemn.

You blatantly misrepresent God, the church and the Christian faith with your bigoted hateful judgements. You judge men on here who are Christians. You condemn them because of your misguided interpretation of scripture and what comes off as an abusive and antagonistic attitude toward anything that challenges you and your thoughts in any way.

Again, by what authority do you condemn and define the hearts of men? By what authority do you continue to practice such Godlessness as though you have been given this ability? Do you have no recollection of the passage that speaks of calling a brother a fool?

You are NOT my brother.
You are a false prophet.

"Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him."

You aren't going to waste my time any more than that Reprobate.
I gave the answer a dozen times. I've got work to do.