Originally Posted by Valsdad
Originally Posted by Remsen
I lost about that much weight in about that timeframe by dropping refined carbs from my diet. No bread, pasta, etc., but carbs in vegetables were fine. I lost a lot of weight and was way more energetic. Since that time (about 5 years ago) I've stuck to this way of eating and have held steady with the weight. Every so often I crave bread, but it's really not a hard thing to maintain.

NO marbled rye?

I'm such a bad stereotype. While I grew up eating hot dogs, corned beef and pastrami, I don't eat that stuff anymore. I like the taste, I just hate things that are packed with salt. Last year I was at a family gathering and all of the processed meats were there, I tried to eat a kosher hot dog (not attached to a person) and got through one bite before the salt overwhelmed me.

Eliminate qualified immunity and you'll eliminate cops who act like they are above the law.