A lot have suggested different diets, keto, lo-carb.... Different things work for different people. You are going to have to figure out what works for you in that regard. To do what you are doing, I would think you would need to keep some carbs in your diet in order to have the energy to work out the way you will need.

I will say this, drink 1.5 gallons of water a day (for wrestlers they say a gallon). You are big enough you should easily be doing a gallon right away and then work up to 1.5 gallons per day. It is boring and mundane. But it will help tremendously. First, a well-hydrated body is much less susceptible to injury. It will make you feel fuller and easier to get by, not over-indulging. And if you are well hydrated and get down close to your desired weight, you can then make a water weight cut at the end and probably drop 6-8 pounds in just water the last few days. Meaning you really only need to drop 32 pounds. The last 8 you drop by cutting water weight. Guy your size should be able to make a final cut of 6-8 pounds. Even cutting 10, I think is doable for you. You need time to recover if you do cut very much at the end though. So if you have to perform a physical endurance test of some sort, cutting much over 5 pounds, you will definitely feel and could impact your performance. If you have a day between weigh in and performance, you would be good.

Montana MOFO