Originally Posted by Blu_Cs

Exactly one month to go and I'm down 15 lbs out of the targeted 40. Been frustrating as I have been diligent as possible (complicated by out of town travel, family get togethers), yet progress has been painfully slow. That is until a few days ago. The needle really started moving when I added a gym membership late last week and started full body workouts instead of targeting only what was going to be tested on by the agency.

Current key items are:

1) Food Intake: Carnivore only for the one meal a day. Bite of cheese, or greek yogurt in one single tiny snack within 4 hours after the main meal. I've also cut back on the portion size on the Carnivore meal. I'll cut back on the snack the day I stop losing measurable weight. Added tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar three times a day.

2) Intermittent fasting: 20 hour fasting day/4-hour eating window (i.e. main meal and snack),

3) Ingredient elimination: Zero wine, beer, processed foods, added sugars, seed grains, carbohydrates. Everything is single ingredient except a splash of hot sauce.

4) Exercise: cardio and weights. I wasn't diligent enough on the cardio, partly due to factors outside my control, now no excuses, On the weights, I'm old school in that I prefer the free weights, but am discovering other machines at the gym, which seem pretty good at targeting very discrete muscle groups, and each visit I add one or two exercises.

5) Measurement. Weigh-in every day, on the same scale as when I started. (Vs spotty checks on different scales previously). I also recently set up a spreadsheet, and have been charting progress towards the key variables comprising the PAT test items, and sense that things are on the right path now although I wish I knew back when I started what I know now, and the degree of focus that was required. Oh well, live and learn, right?

Thanks to everyone for their tips and encouragement both on the fire and in PM's. It's been a slow start, but sense the path forward is clearer and now must take this grimly to close. It is a worthy project.

Nothing like a little progress to keep you motivated!