For y'all boys on the Keto diet. I see that it is a great way to lose weight. But there is little, if any fiber in meat and fat. Fiber, such as found in black beans, and fruit, is essential for keeping the colon clean and preventing colon cancer. A few years of the Keto diet, you may be skinny but you might have colon cancer.

"Digestive System Cancer Risk: This is one of my chief concerns regarding the ketogenic diet. The evidence is quite strong as to what dietary patterns are associated with increased risk of developing digestive system cancers – including and especially colon cancer – and what patterns are protective against them. The ketogenic diet is a textbook example of a high-cancer-risk dietary pattern: very high in animal fat in general and red meat in particular, and very low in fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among Americans."