Originally Posted by duke61
Good old fashion half starvation, vegetables, mixed canned or steamed, fruits, oatmeal, water and plenty of exercise, walking, jogging, running and weight lifting. No other way my friend,
I got it done this way, lost 60 lbs.

Pretty good advice there, Nutrition Pilgrim.

That is similar to what I am doing and I am down 11 pounds in 6 weeks. Gotta knock off 19 more, at least. Maybe 29 more. 29 more and I will be 6-3 and 220, I will be a mean machine. I eat oatmeal for breakfast every morning. Gives a lot of energy. I like carbs, complex carbs only. No white bread. Fruit is also very good.
I do get a lot of protein, from black beans, and steak and boiled eggs.