Originally Posted by mtwarden
I'm upping my mileage goal by a whopping one mile, 2023 miles for this year. laugh I've been using a similar "routine" for about decade and plan on continuing (God willing) with it. I hike daily on our local single tracks around here (we've been blessed with a couple of hundred miles single track trails all near town)- 3-5 miles/day and usually one day in the 8-10 mile range. Interspersed throughout the year are several multi-day backpacking trips (Winter included).

For strength training I've been following a modified Wendler 5/3/1 program where I'm lifting twice a week; I combine squats/bench one day and deadlifts/overhead press the other; mix in pull/chin-ups, lunges, dips, core, etc with each.

I have a Dall hunt in the Brooks Range in early August, so will move my weighted hiking up a couple of months earlier than normal. Typically I'll hike with weight three times a week (and 3-4 days w/o), starting at 30 lbs, moving to 45 and then to 60 lbs (probably closer to 10 lbs more than that with the weight of the pack, water, etc). I've found training with no more than 60 lbs of sand on my back cuts down on injuries and have never felt overly handicapped when called to haul 100 lb loads.

Good luck to everyone with the new year!

Gotta be pretty exciting to prepare for a dall hunt! Good luck.

Ever do weighted sled pulls? Not sprinting, but just steady pace walking. I made a sled out of a harness from Amazon and a truck tire. I add bumper plates on the tire to up the resistance. It's a primary exercise in that rucking program, and I think it really works. Might be worth a try

Last edited by Jackson_Handy; 01/02/23.