This is my current Human maintenance schedule. (5-Days/Wk)

Run course - 04:30-05:00A

Gym/Court - 07:00-09:00A (30 min. travel time)

Home - 09:00-09:10A

EXERCISE: (~ 2 Hrs./Day)
EMOM = Every Minute On the Minute

2.5 mi. Run Course: (22-45 min.)
- Boot Hike
- 2.0 mi. run/recover/0.5 mi. run for time

Gym/Court: (~ 1.5 hrs.)
Mat: 4 x 20 reps (Circuit)
- Body wt. Squat + Jump
- Push-up
- Windshield Wiper (Hip mobility)
- Sit-up + Garhammer Crunch

Bar: Sets x Reps (EMOM) = 20
- Pull-up
- Bar-dip

Weights: (dumbbell) - 2 x 10 reps (EMOM)
- Bent Over Double Row, Toe and ankle - (single dumbbell L/R)
- Incline Curl + Press - (Dbl. dumbbell)
- Decline Flyaway - (Dbl. dumbbell)
- Vertical Clean + Press - (single dumbbell L/R)

Court: 4-wall Handball

Weights: (dumbbell) - 1 x 10 reps (EMOM)
- Inside Heavy Club Swing - (single dumbbell L/R)
- Outside Heavy Club Swing - (single dumbbell L/R)
- Shield/Cast Heavy Club Swing - (single dumbbell L/R)

Home: (10 min.)
- Hail Caesar 2 x 20
- Halo 2 x 10 (L/R)

Heavy Club: 2 x 10 (L/R)
- Inside Mill
- Outside Mill