I am in training for the 2024 Marche De L'Armee. It will be back to back 40 KM (about 25 miles each) marches on a saturday and sunday in late May in Europe. My SIL will be doing it with some of his Air Force buddies, with 35 lb ruck and ACU's, in formation, doing the cadences and the whole bit. I will trail behind, not being a super-fit 20 something. I will train for the ruck, but will do the march ruck or no ruck depending on if I feel I can keep up with his group. I figure this training will be good preparation for both this and next years hunting season.


Just started training about a couple months ago with brisk walks and pushups (About 2 hours per day, 4-5 days a week), in GI type boots, with a small ruck, hydration pack and some modest other kit about 15 lbs total. Right now its mostly about endurance, but I just bought a weight bench and will soon add weight training and expand the calisthenics.

Wondering if how best to address the shoulder chafing issue with the rucks, other than just tough it out, if anyone has ideas.

Carry what you’re willing to fight with - Mackay Sagebrush

Perfect is the enemy of good enough