A bunch of people have really stupid ideas about this stuff. It's bad when any company goes under no matter who it is. The employees, the suppliers, people being supplied, everyone gets hurt. If one of the big 3 went down it would hurt the economy big time. Hundreds of thousands of people get their livelihood from GM. Terrible union agreements were strangling the company. And idiots are saying they won't buy GM because of govt. money? Some years back Chrysler was bailed out. Funny how some people love to brag on Ford not receiving any Govt. funding......they received plenty before the "bailout" and are still getting it, only under a different name. Do some checking, it's easy to find.

And this...

Originally Posted by MIVHNTR

It's obvious where your loyalties lie.
Again, some people just don't get it.

The pot calling the kettle black.