One morning in late 2001, I was dropping off a small repair at a local Border Town emporium.

Having a coffee with one of the hands, and looking at the used rack, the owner hollered down, "Greg, could you figure out what these fellows want ?"

....Two blinged out Sonora / Chihuahua types,dead eyes like sharks ".....buscando cargadores tambor, de alta capacidad, ciento bailes, por eme diez y seis". ( High cap drum mags, 100 rounds, for M16).

The owner and I walked into his office, where he asked me what he thought I should do, recommendation was simply tell him you don't have any, and wish them a nice day.


Member, Clan of the Border Rats
-- “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”- Mark Twain