Originally Posted by crossfireoops
One morning in late 2001, I was dropping off a small repair at a local Border Town emporium.

Having a coffee with one of the hands, and looking at the used rack, the owner hollered down, "Greg, could you figure out what these fellows want ?"

....Two blinged out Sonora / Chihuahua types,dead eyes like sharks ".....buscando cargadores tambor, de alta capacidad, ciento bailes, por eme diez y seis". ( High cap drum mags, 100 rounds, for M16).

The owner and I walked into his office, where he asked me what he thought I should do,....my recommendation was simply tell him you don't have any, and wish them a nice day.


I stumbled into the same situation in reverse in El Paso once.

A friend had told me about a place off of IH-10 that was a store that sold AR15 accessories, mags, etc. Said it was good to check out...

Sometime later I was driving that highway and saw a sign that said Police Supplies, AR 15's, ammo, and whatever.

I whipped in and entered the "store".

My walking into that store was like a loud fart in church. eek

There was probably 15 people in there. Straight outta the movie No Country for Old Men. There were a couple of meetings going on between the clientele. They just stopped what they were doing and stared at me.

That store sold all sorts of stuff. Police "Tactical" uniforms, all sorts of patches that said "Policia Federale", FBI, Policia, etc.

It was cartel central in there. I'd truly entered the lion's den.

Didn't take me long to make myself scarce.

Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla!