I've told this one before here, but it deserves another:

25 years ago the then head of marketing at Swarovski told me he'd often visit stores that sold a lot of Swarovski scopes, but not tell them who he was just to get some honest feed-back.

Apparently Swarovskis first became popular in the Southeast, because of the really bright view, and a shop in Birmingham, Alabama was selling more than any other store in America. My buddy dropped in one day and wandered back to the optics counter. A big 'ol boy was standing behind it, and my friend pointed the Swarovski scopes on display under the glass, saying: "You sell many of these expensive scopes?

The guy said, "Yeah, we sell a bunch of them Sooverwhoskis!"

My friend said, "I believe it's pronounced Swar-off-ski."

The ol' boy said, "Not in Alabama!"

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck