Originally Posted by TnBigBore
Took the kids to Bass Pro the other night and went to the gun counter so my 9 year old daughter could handle several of the youth rifles to see which fit her best. She has a birthday coming up and want's a deer rifle of her own. After trying several she liked the Ruger American Compact the best. I asked if they had it in 223? He sneered and told me I needed to get her a 270 like he started with at 8 years old and 60 lbs. My daughter is rail thin with tiny bone structure and cant even hold up her sister's H&R 243 long enough to aim it. I explained that I needed s 223 due to the recoil/muzzle blast issue. He laughed and then told me that a 243 is not really a deer rifle, much less a 223. I laid the gun on the counter and took the kids and we walked off without another word. My daughter turned to me and asked. "Was that man right daddy?". I said, "No sweetie, that man was a dumbass."

Good thing you weren't in Texas, would've probably been told you needed a .30-06... Dumbasses!!