Originally Posted by westside_benny
Originally Posted by SCGunNut
Another one was many years ago when the guy asked if the gas operated shotgun he'd just bought took regular or unleaded and asked where the "tank" was, and yes, he was serious...

LOL, I DO believe you. Guy I worked with started talking about how he loved to deer hunt. That year I was using an AR and he wanted to know what makes an AR. I said, "well, it's a gas operated, semi-auto rifle, like most Semi's"

"Well see, that's the problem, why do you feel you need THAT much firepower to shoot a deer. Gas operated, seriously, a gun so powerful it has a motor. See, I'm for basic firearms rights, love hunting but this as where you gun nuts go off on your own."

I tried, briefly to explain, but realized futility and said the serenity prayer and let it go. Worst part of owning an AR is that gas motor, the recoil keeps going out and if you forget to put stabil in it or use ethanol it is a BEOTCH to get started...make it even better his dream (not hired yet) was to use his biology degree to work for the DNR!

If you high test does the bullet go faster?

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!