Originally Posted by SCGunNut
Originally Posted by 10gaugemag
Another shop a few miles away had a fellow walk in one day with a shell in his hand. Showed it to the owner and asked if they had any guns the cartridge would fit, owner said yes and hands the guy the handgun.

Next thing the owner knows the guy had the round in the gun and committed suicide right there in the shop.

Older owner and he actually had a heart attack right there when the guy killed himself.

Unfortunately, that happens more than most people realize. In 2006, we had a man (who had been a semi-regular customer a few years prior) rent a Smith 686 on our indoor range one morning. He seemed perfectly at ease. He hung his target, fired 3 shots into the silhouette and stuck the next one in his mouth. I'll never forget that day...

Happened here recently. The guy even left the range fees and rental fees in a baggie with a note to the owner apologizing for the mess and inconvenience.

“Live free or die. Death is not the worst of evils.” - General
John Stark.