Originally Posted by R_H_Clark
Originally Posted by bigfish9684
Because they ask hard questions and seek answers using the scientific method, not through a book written by men and supposedly ghostwritten by a sky fairy?

There's your answer.

Making fun of and belittling what is most dear to a person never results in good will.

this post spells out exactly the essence of the conflict that we are facing. and can we solve it? not likely in the near term.

folks who hold near & dear to their beliefs hold them sacred, and without contradiction. i understand that. i think many of us do. it's part of our underlying structure.

however, there's folks who have a different perspective, a different understanding of the interpreted truth. but, how can that be?

what is the sound of one hand clapping? that pretty much sums it up, and we have to call upon the Zen buddhists to help us through this difficult impasse.

to agree to disagree, what a concept.