Originally Posted by jaguartx
Maybe we should all just get along, right, and be happy with the fact the muzzies are helped along in their efforts to come get us, even by some churches which profess to believe in Jesus Christ but reject His warnings not to let the heathens into our nation for their sons to mingle with our daughters nor their daughters to mingle with our sons, Gus.

They want us to not only take in the Trojan horse, but let them in without the horse.

the details are fuzzy, but didn't ol moses marry a daughter of an egyptian priest?

it does seem like the issue of foreign gods, and strange foreign women have been clouding the picture nearly forever. it's difficult to keep things pure. salame could probably dance, but was she worthy?

on the subject of homosexuality, my position is evolving, like the big-finned american cars of the late 50's have evolved to the japanese made aerodynamic cars of the post-modern era. the thinking goes like this: back in the day, every man & woman was needed to be a successful breeder of new or additional children. the earth was large, unconquered, and the human population was under threat of being wiped out due to the few numbers of humans and the level of technology available to them. nowadays, we have shot far passed those issues, risks, and concerns. now overpopulation is the wolf that is stalking us, and knocking on the door. we humans can afford for a certain element or sub-element to not to have to breed and raise kids to sustain the population. we've reached and crossed over that threshold. so, homo's have a service of value to offer. they are not contributing to the over-population of the earth.

we're not in kansas anymore.