Originally Posted by cooper57m
Are only christians allowed in your heaven? No Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims? What was the fate of those who lived in areas of the world who died before "the word" got to them? Why would god put these people on the planet with no shot of getting into heaven? What is/was their purpose; just to take up space? If god is all powerful and all good things come from god, are those people who have bad things happen forsaken in some way? What was your god's plan when he created the brain eating amoeba? Was that a loving thing?? If there is a god, he's really screwing around with us. What's the purpose of the Zika virus? Does he think we're all getting too smart so he needs to create a bunch of small-headed babies? All you people who "talk" to god. Ask him about that.

There are actually answers for every question you ask in the Bible. I'm not going to write a long drawn out answer siting verses to support it. I'm just going to tell you the answers as I understand them from my own study .

As far as who gets into Heaven,I believe God has always revealed himself to men. God judges who goes and who doesn't and all I know for sure is that the judgement will be just. There is a scripture in Romans that basically says that when the people who don't know God(as in never having been introduced to him) follow the law of God because they see it as the right thing to do, they have become a law unto themselves.I take that to mean that God will judge them by their hearts. Personally I believe that many have trusted in God( which is what is necessary for salvation) who never knew the Bible or the names of God referred to in that book.

Bad things happen to good people because we live in a fallen world infected by sin.God does and has delivered,rescued,and generally helped his people. Why everyone who says they are a Christian isn't always rescued from bad things is a very complicated question. Some of it has to do with faith and some with free will. Without writing a book on it I will only say it's never God's fault or choice that his children are destroyed.

All the sickness,disease,brain eating amoeba and such come because the curse of sin. God doesn't just destroy all bad things because God doesn't control the earth. God gave dominion and authority of the earth over to men. Anything that God does in the earth is done through men.