cooper57m posted:

".... The mysteries of life are everyone's to try to figure out....."

I agree with this thought. It places responsibility on the individual.

I would think that when one is one this journey of discovery that truth versus error would be important to discover.

There is truth and there is error. There is right and there is wrong. Most "relativists" deny this.

Many atheists will claim they are "moral" but they obtain their "morality" from the culture or tribe there are in. Some atheists are indeed "moral" in our culture today.

But, an atheist in Syria may have very different morals than an atheist in Canada.

Atheism proposes that there is only the natural system and the end of their analysis is there really is no right or wrong that lives beyond them.

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”