I don't think Christians should water anything down. It's more about how you speak the truth, the manner in which it is presented. Read the gospels. You never see Jesus going someplace and telling everyone they are Going to Hell if they don't bow down and worship him.[/quote]

If Christians decided to "water down nothing" and all begin preaching Young Earth Creationisms, women be silent, and death to gays, witches, etc...the pews would empty quickly, and there would be a lot of empty Churches re-purposed as night clubs. [/quote]

at least for a spell. then a re-vitalization or rebirth, or re-purposing "might" emerge. as the muslim interlopers gain strength in numbers and converts, they might make attempts to buy, rent or lease the abandoned facilities to convert to locations of "muslim-type" worship opportunities (for the masses).

on the other hand, if night clubs bring in more revenue than mosques, then the mosques will have a more difficult time expanding their locations.