
Atheists such as AS love to debate the Bible and Christianity; but only on their terms. They will say that they only “look at the evidence.” But this is not true at all. AS for one, will only consider science based data and conclusions. He limits the “set of data” to only what he is comfortable with. In his mind, there is no such thing as “spirit.” If he can’t see it and touch it, then it must be excluded from the discussion and all references to “spirit” or the spiritual world is dismissed as some sort of mass delusion. Oddly, I think he is looking for physical evidence of a spiritual world.

The fact is, he is excluding the very thing that makes Christianity unique. God communicates directly with the individual person. We know and even AS will probably acknowledge it, God, if He is there, is “spirit.” There is indeed a whole world of beings and happenings out there that we see very little of and the likes of AS will deny exists.

AS likes to debate “god” but will deny that a spirit being could even exist. An empty data set for him.

But think about this empty set of data; a null set if you will. We as Christians have already had God “prove Himself to us.” When we look we see two sets of data; physical and spiritual. We have two rich sets of data. AS only has one. I will testify that God has proven Himself to me through the conviction and witness of the Holy Spirit. This God showing Himself to me. I have the “proof” that AS has been unable to apprehend.

Btw, I look at the world and see evidence of a Creator. Many people do. AS will dismiss this and say that this is not evidence for the existence of God. He is flat wrong here but cannot see it.

Some will allege that “God has not met his burden of proof.” God does not have a burden of proof. It seems as if atheists think they may find some defense on judgment day by saying to God: “Well, you didn’t make yourself sufficiently known to me so you should not sit in judgment of me. God, it’s your fault not mine.” Good luck with that.

Life is better having two sets of data. Both rich and full.

But, God is a spiritual being. A spiritual being is a non-corporeal being. This is usually in context of a spirit being that can somehow affect human life and the human condition. God being a “spirit” desired to show more about Himself and sent Jesus, God in corporeal form, to more effectively reveal Himself to us. Pretty cool.

Also, we have to remember that it is not our job to force understanding upon atheists. That task belongs to the Holy Spirit. Our job is to present and to witness as to what has happened to us and as to what we have experienced.

Last edited by TF49; 10/02/16.

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”