Originally Posted by rem141r
the lack of big pope hats. atheists need big hats and maybe some gaudy robes and incense burners to sling about.

in order to be included (inclusive?) as a worthy minority, perhaps they should. and then i laugh.

i've lobbied my friends in the catholic realm to please get rid of the big hats, and gaudy robes, and slinging the incense burners so aggressively.

my goodness, we're in the postmodern world now. we've got the internet, NASA gives us a picture of the Globe floating in space, spinning on it's axis, night & day, night & day, over and over. and the Sun never shuts down.

wonder when the rank & file will catch up with the realization of what a marvelous creation is happening before our very eyes?

further, i would say nary a preacher can drive a new cadillac until every member in his congregation has one of their own. only then, can he/she/they have one. (right now, a lot of stuff is just pure-arse back-assards).